Material Handling Bucket Trucks
Introduction Explain why a material handling bucket truck can lift heavy loads without additional equipment or special rigging. Compare and contrast a material handling bucket truck with a basic bucket truck. Winch Jib and Lifting Attachments Describe the basic operation of a winch and a jib. Describe the use of conductor lifting attachments. Lift Capacity Define the term lift capacity. Describe conditions that can affect lift capacity. Explain how data plates lift capacity charts and load indicators are used. Truck and Boom Positioning Describe some of the conditions that can affect truck positioning. Explain over center positioning and conventional positioning of the upper boom. Lifting a Transformer Describe basic preparations for lifting jobs that involve the use of a material handling bucket truck. Describe one way to install a pole top transformer using a material handling bucket truck. Define the term deflection and explain how safety hazards presented by deflection can be avoided. Lifting Conductors Describe three types of conductor lifting attachments: hooks single-phase wire holders and three-phase wire lifters. Explain how hooks single-phase wire holders and three-phase wire lifters can be used.