High Voltage AC Power Part 2


Power Define power in terms of voltage and current. Define the apparent power true power and reactive power. Describe the relationships between apparent power true power reactive power and power factor given true power and apparent power. Three-Phase Power Define the term three-phase power. Explain how single-phase and the square root of three are related to three-phase power. Calculate true power in a three-phase system. List some of the advantages that a three-phase system offers over a single-phase system. Delta and Wye Configurations Draw a simplified electrical diagram of a delta-configured transformer and a wye-configured transformer. Explain how a delta-configured transformer and a wye-configured transformer affect current and voltage in a three-phase distribution system. List some of the common applications for delta-and wye-connected transformers in a three-phase distribution system. Voltage Regulator Applications Describe the function of a voltage regulator in a distribution system. Explain how a step voltage regulator and an induction voltage regulator affect voltage in a distribution system. Capacitor Applications Describe how capacitor banks are connected into a distribution system. Explain how capacitor banks adjust power factor.