Distribution Line Repair – Gloves


Rubber Protective Gear Describe basic rubber protective equipment used when working on overhead distribution lines. Describe how rubber protective gear is manufactured sized and stored. Care and Inspection of Rubber Gear Describe problems to look for when inspecting protective gear. Describe general procedures for inspecting protective gear. Describe a general procedure for dielectrically testing rubber gloves. Working Safely Describe a general procedure for inspecting a bucket truck before use. Describe general guidelines for positioning a bucket truck at a job site. Describe a general procedure for preparing to work on a distribution line using gloves. Replacing an In-Line Switch Describe how to provide a safe work area for an in-line switch replacement job. Describe how to remove and replace an in-line switch. Describe how to remove line cover gear after completing a job. Tying Phases on a New Pole Describe one method of safely tying the energized phases of a distribution feeder on a new armless pole. Dead-End Insulator Changeout Describe one method of safely changing out a dead-end insulator using an insulated platform.