Operator Responsibilities: Basic Operator Responsibilities
The Operators Role Describe operator responsibilities associated with controlling a production process safe operation of a facility and fire and accident prevention. Explain why good communications are important in an industrial facility. General Outside Operator Responsibilities Identify the types of information an incoming operator should find out during a shift changeover. Describe an outside operators responsibilities during tours and inspections. Describe an outside operators responsibilities during routine operations. Maintaining Plant Equipment Explain the purpose of work orders. Describe how valve packing can be adjusted. Describe how to safely reset a tripped circuit breaker. Describe how to clean a pump strainer. General Control Room Operator Responsibilities Describe the general responsibilities of a control room operator. Describe effects of changing weather conditions on system operations. Trends Describe how trends can be detected. Describe a four-step approach to analyzing trends. Abnormal and Emergency Situations Describe general operator responsibilities during emergency situations. Explain how operators can prepare for abnormal and emergency situations. Describe general operator responsibilities during fire emergencies.