Pen Testing: End-user Behavior
Explore penetration testing its limitations and how end-user behavior affects this process in this 14-video course which examines several types of penetration testing the reliance on end-user behavior and the challenges facing organizations. You will explore the role of human error in causing data breaches user awareness preventing attacks and how to use end-user analytics. You will learn to use tools to perform user behavior analytics and how to use test results to create and communicate reports. Next learners will examine how to create a plan for organizations to check user behavior when a threat is received and explore the need for cybersecurity training for employees. You will learn to use advanced analytics that focus on user activity instead of specific static threat indicators to detect anomalies or malicious behavior. You will explore social engineering attacks how to perform a social engineering penetration test and how to counter social engineering attacks. Finally examine the role played by human behavior in penetration testing.