MD-101 – Managing Modern Desktops: Monitoring Devices
In this 11-video course, learners explore how to use log files, Windows Analytics, and other cloud-based tools to monitor device health and security in Windows 10. Begin the course by examining the importance of monitoring the health of devices with Device Health—the idea behind which is to proactively monitor devices to identify those crashing most frequently. You will then learn how to add the Device Health solution, and examine the importance of enrolling devices in Windows Analytics. This leads into enrolling a device into a Device Health solution and identifying crashing devices and driver-induced OS (operating system) crashes under Device Reliability. Then examine the next aspect of the Device Reliability solution, which is App Reliability, locating app usage and behavior information. Learn how to monitor Login Health and view Windows Information Protection details and review several different data types that become available in terms of analysis when using the Device Health service. The concluding exercise involves monitoring device health and security with Device Health solution and Windows Information Protection information. This is one course in a series to prepare for the MD-101: Managing Modern Desktops certification exam.