The MERN Stack & FSD
The MERN stack represents a combination of popular technologies for robust and powerful web application development. Learners will discover the different technologies that make up the MERN stack and recognize how they are orchestrated together to deliver modern full stack applications in this 17-video course. Key concepts covered in this course include examining technologies the MERN stack consists of and how they work together; how to install Node runtime and also MongoDB on a development machine; and how to install Express and related Node Package Manager (npm) dependencies. You will learn to create an HTTP server using Express and Node; learn to install Katalon Studio for web and API testing; and create REST API routes with Express and Node. Next learn to read and write data to MongoDB via REST API; learn how React and Redux work together and generate a basic React app; and create a basic React front-end component. Finally install and configure Redux and dependencies; use Redux to manage the state of React apps; and make GET and also POST requests from a React app.