DevOps Automation: Delivery Mechanisms


Explore the most prominent modern application delivery models in this 11-video course. Leaners encounter tools that can be used to implement automated deployment along with their associated benefits including the test automation workflow adopted in DevOps pipelines.  The course demonstrates steps involved in managing development and deployment artifacts demonstrate how to automate build workflows by using Maven and Jenkins and develop test automation frameworks. Learn the relationship and differences between Maven a build tool and Jenkins an open-source continuous integration software tool.  Next learn how to facilitate single source of truth—a concept used to ensure that everyone in an organization bases business decisions on the same data—when managing development and deployment of artifacts. Then study its three important elements: First problems must be shared; second work together to adopt a standard; and third practice transparency where everyone enjoys access to data and the ability to add. Other key concepts covered here include delivery models minimum in-service deployment traffic distribution infrastructure automation and functional automation.<