DevOps Cloud Automation: Advanced AWS Pipelines and DevOps Using Azure


Discover how to automate cloud deployments by using CodeBuild and CodePipeline as well as the differences between AWS Pipeline and Jenkins in automating build and deployment. In this 17-video course learners examine features and benefits of the CodeStar development workflow and the role of CloudTrail in enabling governance compliance and operational and risk auditing of AWS accounts. Explore features and components of Azure DevOps. Key concepts covered in this course include the process of building multistage continuous deployment pipelines; the DevOps capabilities afforded by Google Cloud Platform and tools and benefits of using Google Cloud Platform for configuration management; and how to configure autoscaling and alarms to monitor AWS resources with CloudWatch and CodePipeline in the AWS Cloud9 IDE. Then learn how to automate the software delivery process with AWS Continuous Integration and Delivery pipelines and how to work with Azure pipelines to build GitHub repositories. Finally learn how to configure pipelines to build test and manage releases; and how to add Azure DevOps extension to implement Azure DevOps Services from CLI (command-line interface).