Working with Apps Tabs & Wiki


In this 9-video course, learners will discover how to enrich their posts and channels in Microsoft Teams with the use of various apps. You will learn how to install and use apps to improve your work flow and how you collaborate with others. Begin by learning how to find, install, and use apps with Teams. Having installed apps, you will then learn how to manage them by pinning, unpinning, and uninstalling the apps. You will examine how to add and manage tabs with a channel to enhance your experience; create a tab from a file, useful when you have files that are regularly accessed by your team, and once several tabs have been added, learn how to manage them by moving, renaming, configuring, or removing tabs. Delve into the Wiki tab, a place in Teams where you can create documents called pages, then organize that content by creating and using Wiki pages and Wiki sections. The course concludes by focusing on how to work with the Yammer communication tool in Microsoft Teams.