Formatting Illustrating & Reacting to Messages
More than creating messages, in this 9-video course you will discover that Microsoft Teams allows you to apply various tools to format and illustrate messages. You will also learn how to react to messages, and configure message delivery. Begin by exploring the various formatting tools to modify the color, highlight text, or change the font size of your messages, then learn how to create a bulleted or numbered list. Observe how to use emojis, stickers, and memes to illustrate your conversations in Teams. Learn how to comment on your colleagues’ posts by reacting to them; observe how to view and use mentions to attract someone’s attention; and learn how to insert quotes and codes into your messages. Discover how to add videos, articles, and other content to a message, and configure certain delivery options for your messages. Conclude by exploring how to insert a link, a rule, and a table into a message to present your content in a more complete way.