Using Teams & Channels


In this 10-video course, learners discover how to create teams and channels, configure Teams settings such as the logo, description, and channels, and manage team members, roles, and access. Begin the course by observing how to join and leave a Microsoft team, and then explore how to create different types of teams. This leads into configuring team settings and managing the teams you have, for example, editing team information, changing the logo, and deleting, archiving, and restoring teams. Examine how to manage team members, by, for example, changing team members’ roles, and removing owners or members. Create and manage channels to help optimize your teams by directing conversations to specific groups or channels, and also learn how to edit, delete, and manage channels. Explore how to add and invite members to teams and manage requests; use team commands to speed up navigation, and use keyboard shortcuts. Finally, the course covers adding connectors, which push an app’s rich content into your channel to help your team stay in sync and get more done.