Coal Pile Management
Introduction to Coal Pile Management Explain how coal is stored. Explain why coal is stored. State the general functions of coal pile management. Identify environmental factors involved with coal pile management. Describe the major jobs involved with coal pile management. Coal Pile Management Equipment Describe the functions of the following types of coal pile management equipment: Bulldozers Front-end loaders Scrapers Spray vehicles Coal pile lights Compacting Contouring and Grooming Coal Piles State the advantages of compacting a coal pile. Describe the basic procedure for compacting a coal pile. State the advantages of contouring a coal pile. Describe how a coal pile is typically contoured. Explain why it is necessary to groom a coal pile. Describe the basic procedure for grooming a coal pile. Reclaiming and Coal Pile Management Safety Identify methods and equipment commonly used for reclaiming. Describe procedures related to reclaiming in adverse weather conditions. Describe procedures related to reclaiming from segregated coal piles. Describe safety precautions related to coal pile management. Managing Runoff State the adverse effects of water on a coal pile. Explain how a coal pile typically is managed to deal with water. Describe how runoff generally is handled. Describe procedures for working a coal pile during or after a rainstorm. Coal Pile Fires and Wind Erosion State the adverse effects of fires and wind erosion on a coal pile. Identify methods used to prevent or minimize coal pile fires. ? Describe how coal pile fires can be detected. Describe procedures for extinguishing a coal pile fire. Identify methods and equipment used to prevent or minimize wind erosion on a coal pile.