Jenkins for DevOps: Automated Testing & Advanced Jobs Using Jenkins


The open-source continuous integration software tool Jenkins can be invaluable for DevOps engineers. In this 12-video course learners will continue exploring the role of Jenkins in DevOps learning the different type of jobs build triggers and build steps that can be built and configured in Jenkins. You will see practical demonstrations of how to install and configure Jenkins. Specific topics covered include Jenkins and DevOps; Jenkins and CI/CD; Jenkins configuration job types in Jenkins; build trigger and steps; configuring freestyle job; and pipeline implementation with web UI and Jenkins file. Discover how to build Java projects to implement build and test automation; to automate unit testing for Java projects; to run batch jobs with Jenkins; to test performance with JMeter; to implement TestNG testing; and to generate TestNG reports. Review when not to use Jenkins. In the concluding exercise learners will describe benefits of using Jenkins for test automation then build parameterized build jobs in Jenkins and configure multiconfiguration build jobs in Jenkins.