Interior Lighting for Designers: Interior Illuminations


By the end of this course you will be able to: Identify the different types of reflectors and reflector contours. Recognize the five categories of luminaires and the lighting environments in which they should be used. Recall how to light vertical surfaces both matte and specular. Describe the two basic methods of ambient lighting and how to use them to achieve the effect you want: downlighting and uplighting. Relate the balance of brightness concept including how to use luminance ratios and shadows. Relate the importance of surface reflectance in lighting design. Describe how light is measured. Recognize illuminance calculations and solve for the illuminance of a source using the inverse-square method. Explain how timers occupancy sensors and photosensors work. Cite examples of the different types of dimmers and how they work with different types of lamps. Explain the purpose of the reflected ceiling plan (RCP) and its parts. Define the following terms: lighting control intent plan lighting equipment schedule lighting control schedule.