Developing a Library Of eLearning Resources for the New York State Government

Meet The Client: New York State Government
The third largest state government in the United States, New York State employs over 100,000 full-time employees across 20 state government departments.
The Client’s Goals and Challenges
The State was looking for a way to:
- Provide cost-effective online learning to all state agencies
- Close IT workforce skill gaps
- Provide an opportunity for general skill development across professional competencies
- To achieve these goals, the NY State Government needed to overcome two main challenges:
- Excessive cost of traditional face-to-face information technology training classes
- Limited availability of training opportunities in rural communities
Our Solution
We delivered an all-inclusive library of eLearning resources under a blanket purchase order model, sponsored by the New York Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (GOER). GOER guarantees a low price of training for all participating state agencies.
The model expedites customer procurement and makes it easy for state agencies to participate in the program and deliver cost-effective eLearning, including:
- 6,500 self-based courses
- Videos
- eBooks
- Certification prep exams
- Study guides
The learning materials cover a variety of instrumental topics, such as:
- Business and professional development
- End user software and workforce productivity
- Cyber security
- Software development
- Web development
- Computer literacy
- New supervisor training
- Administrative assistant certification
- Microsoft Office certification
The library was integrated into the NY State Learning Management System (SLMS) powered by PeopleSoft and made conveniently available on demand from any PC 24/7.
This integration allows individual agency administrators to assign courses or aggregate them into learning paths for employees in certain positions.
For training management and tracking purposes, each customer has access to employee training activity reports outlining course completion status and more.
The Results
Over the course of nine years since the start of the project, we achieved:
- A cost savings of 66% versus traditional in-person classes ($42 per employee with the online platform vs. $125+ per employee with in-person classes)
- An average post-course test score of 89%, compared to the average pre-course test score of 66%
- 7,500 participating employees
- 29,555 course completions
- 33,767 training hours earned