NYC Local Law 196: How to Comply (Without Getting Hit with $5,000 Fines)

New Yorkers, are you prepared for unannounced safety checks at your construction site?
If not, you could be hit with a $5,000 fine or more.
This according to bill Intro 1447-C, otherwise known as Local Law 196, which was signed into law by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on October 16, 2017.
Later in this post, we’ll explain what Local Law 196 requires, who it affects, and how to comply with it so you don’t get hit with any fines.
But first, let’s see exactly what it is.
What is Local Law 196?
Falling-related fatalities for construction workers reached an all-time high in 2017, totaling 10 deaths according to New York’s Department of Buildings (DOB).
Local Law 196 was introduced to prevent that number from climbing in 2018 and beyond.
It mandates that workers at certain job sites receive 40 hours of safety training, while supervisors at certain job sites receive 62 hours of safety training.
What are the Local Law 196 Requirements and Who Needs to Be Trained?
These are the people on your job site who must be trained:
- New entrants to construction.
- Supervisors such as construction superintendents, concrete safety managers, site safety coordinators, site safety managers, and competent persons.
- Workers at job sites with a Site Safety Plan as well as job sites with a superintendent, site safety coordinator or site safety manager.
There are 3 phases of Local Law 196. We’ll cover each and explain exactly what is required of your workers and supervisors.
Phase 1
Phase 1 of Local Law 196 has already been initiated. It started on March 1, 2018.
That means all workers and supervisors at this point must have received a minimum of 10 hours of training. New entrants to your construction site are required to complete this training prior to working.
Phase 2
Phase 2 of Local Law 196 begins on December 1, 2018. All workers at this point will be required to carry at least a Limited Site Safety Training (SST) Card.
To obtain a Limited SST Card, you have to do ONE of the following:
- Complete OSHA 10 and undergo 20 additional hours of training specified by New York’s DOB. This includes 8 hours of training about preventing falling-related fatalities.
- Complete OSHA 30
- Complete a 100-hour program approved by the DOB.
All supervisors at this point must complete site safety training to obtain their requisite SST Supervisor Card.
Phase 3
Phase 3 of Local Law 196 begins on May 1, 2019.
At this point, all workers are expected to have their training complete, which could be any of the following:
- OSHA 10 in addition to 30-45 hours of training approved by the DOB, which of course includes those 8 hours on the dangers of falling workers and objects.
- OSHA 30 in addition to 10-25 hours of training approved by the DOB, including 8 hours of preventing falling-related accidents.
- A 100-hour training program approved by the DOB.
And again, supervisors will have to complete site safety training to get their SST supervisor card.
How Can You Meet the Local Law 196 Requirements?
If you completed any of this training online before October 16, 2017, it will be recognized and accepted as valid.
However, any training you take after that date will have to be in-person training or actively proctored online training – meaning, a person oversees your online training to ensure you’re present for the entirety of the training course.
Once you complete the course, you should receive a wallet-sized Site Safety Training Card that must include specific information and security features, such as:
- Unique identification card number.
- Photographs of the person to whom it was issued.
- Date of course completion.
- Expiration date.
- Name and address of provider of issuance.
Who is Exempt from Local Law 196?
Not everyone needs to undergo additional training or obtain a Site Safety Training Card.
Here’s a list of everyone exempt from Local Law 196:
- Delivery persons
- Flag persons
- Professional engineers
- Registered architects
- Department-licensees and Department-registrants (excluding safety professionals)
- Workers at job sites that only involve minor alterations or the construction of a new 1-, 2-, or 3-family home
What Happens if You Violate Local Law 196 Requirements?
As we alluded to earlier in this post, owners of job sites with workers who don’t meet Local Law 196 requirements will face stiff fines.
If the DOB discovers an untrained worker on a construction site, the owner of the site, the permit holder, and the employer of the untrained worker will each be given a $5,000 civil penalty.
And if the permit holder hasn’t kept a detailed log that demonstrates all the workers on-site are trained, they’ll be hit with a $2,500 penalty.
Recap of Local Law 196
Just to make sure you understand what you need and when you need it to comply with Local Law 196, here’s a quick recap.
- March 1, 2018 is when all workers are required to have at least 10 hours of training to be able to work
- December 1, 2018 is when all workers (old and new) need to at least have a Limited SST Card and all supervisors need to have an SST Supervisor Card
- May 1, 2019 or September 1, 2020 is when all workers must have an SST Card
And so it’s crystal clear on how to get an SST Card, here are the requirements again:
How Workers Obtain an SST Card
- 10-hour OSHA training plus 30 additional SST training hours
- 30-hour OSHA training plus 10 additional SST training hours
- 100-hour DOB sponsored training
By the way, if you have 40 hours of SST training before December 1, 2018 you can simply obtain a full SST Card without getting the Limited SST Card.
How Supervisors Obtain an SST Card
- 30-Hour OSHA
- 8-Hour Fall Protection Course
- 8-Hour Site Safety Manager Refresher Training
- 4-Hour Supported Scaffold User Training
- 2 hours of each of the following topics:
- Site safety plans
- Toolbox talks
- Pre-task meetings
- General electives,
- Specialized electives,
- Drug & Alcohol Awareness
This card will be valid for a 5-year period and will require 16-hours of SST training to renew.
And there you have it.
Everything New York construction workers, supervisors, and site owners need to know about Local Law 196.
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