Cable Splicing Part 1


Electrical Cable Identify the major parts of a primary cable. Voltage Stress and Stress Relief Explain what voltage stress is. Explain how a layered cable design helps to counteract the effect of voltage stress. Explain how a layered cable design helps to provide for the relief of static charges. Cable Preparation Describe one method of preparing primary cable for a tape splice. Identity equipment that can be used to prepare primary cable for a tape splice. Primary Cable Splicing Explain how mechanical presses and hydraulic presses are used to install compression connectors to join conductor ends. Describe one method of completing a tape splice on single-conductor jacketed primary cable. Splice Kits Describe or demonstrate how to install a molded slip-on on a primary cable with a concentric neutral. Describe of demonstrate how to install a heat shrink splice on a primary cable with a jacketed concentric wire layer. Secondary Cable Splicing Identify differences between primary and secondary cable construction. Describe or demonstrate how to perform a split bolt (mechanical) splice a heat shrink splice a cold shrink splice and a rolling ring seal splice on a secondary cable.