The WELL Building Standard
At the end of this course you will be able to: ? List the rules of the WELL Building Standard™ (version1) and how to apply them across the three project types: new and existing buildings new and existing interiors and core and shell. Define Biophilia its importance within the building environment its impacts on human health and how the MIND section in the WELL Building Standard™ (version1) promotes Biophilia indoors (Feature 88: Biophilia I-Qualitative) and outdoors (Feature 100:Biophilia II-Quantitative.Describe how the FITNESS section of the WELL Building Standard™ (version1) promotes active furnishings within the workplace by illustrating Feature 71: Active Furnishings in a before and after scenario showing a schematic office layout.Describe how the WELL Building Standard™ (version1) effects workplace kitchen and cafeteria design to promote a healthy food culture through illustrating examples from the NOURISHMENT section including Feature 45: Food Advertising Feature 46: Safe Food Preparation Materials Feature 47: Serving Sizes Feature 50 Food Storage and Feature 52: Mindful Eating.