Excel Visualization: Building Box Plots Sunburst Plots Gantt Charts & More
“Once you grasp how to work with the scope of standard Excel chart types you can expand into more complex visualizations. For example you can use box-and-whisker plots to convey a wealth of information about the statistical distribution of a variable and identify outliers in a data series.
You can use sunburst charts to visualize hierarchical data with differing levels of detail waterfall charts to show the cumulative effect of positive and negative values and Gantt charts to illustrate progress toward a goal involving multiple parallel tasks.
Additionally you can avail of band charts to quickly eyeball the trend in a line chart scatter plots to uncover the relationship between two variables and waffle charts to visualize progress towards KPIs.
In this course youll create all of these charts either via Excels built-in tools or by building them manually using nifty workarounds.”