

Describe the functions of stackers. Identify the major types of stackers and describe the main parts of each type. Describe the general types of stacker control systems. Identify the major duties related to stacker operation. Identify the major types of stacker drive systems and explain their functions. Explain the function of stacker sensors. Explain the function of stacker limit switches. Describe the basic procedure for starting up a stacker. Explain how stackers are normally operated to stack out coal. Identify conditions that should be monitored during stacker operation. Explain how to detect and respond to the following stacker operating problems: stacker conveyor trips high winds and boom problems. Describe the basic procedure for shutting down a stacker. Describe or demonstrate a typical stacker inspection procedure. Describe or demonstrate how a stacker is typically lubricated. Identify the main parts of a stacker/reclaimer. Describe basically how a stacker/reclaimer is started up and shut down. Explain how a stacker/reclaimer is operated to reclaim coal. Identify conditions that should be monitored during operation. Explain how to detect and respond to operating problems. Identify inspection and minor maintenance procedures typically performed on stackers/reclaimers.