Getting More Women in the Government Technology Workforce

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Getting More Women in the Government Technology Workforce

As someone who has been a leader in supporting the rise of women in the government tech workforce, Executive Director of Enterprise GRC and Resiliency Anushree Bag took a moment to discuss how we can do more to fuel the efforts of attracting and retaining women in gov tech roles.  The list is very long and includes everything from job descriptions to mentorship and continuing education which can be essential for continuing to diversify the gov tech industry.

Diverse teams with varied backgrounds tend to perform at a higher level and have proven to be more innovative, especially in the technological fields.  With statistics that support this, gov tech has the ability to reach out and expand their workforce with educational platforms that support diversity.  Once women find a career in gov tech though, more should be done to support them so that they stay in the field.  This can be done by ensuring that they don’t feel isolated, and ensuring that they have supportive mentors that continue to encourage their growth.

Starting from the ground up, we should be encouraging more STEM projects in elementary and secondary schools, as well as having colleges go out of their way to focus on recruiting women into the field.  Next, we need to look at the support that happens in the workplace and encourage women who are currently in the field to openly discuss how they have overcome challenges, allowing these issues to be solved for newer women coming into the field.

It is an exciting time in the gov tech field right now.  Because of the significant need for more diversity, it is easier than ever to gain the education needed to enter the field.  As a result, educational platforms such as Enterprise Training Solutions have been able to set up amazing certification prep courses to help women feel supported in their career paths.  These courses are specifically designed to provide government organizations with a comprehensive offering of information technology certification prep courses (and continuing education units CEU) at exclusive rates, on government contract.

Additionally, Enterprise Training Solutions, seeing a need for more women in the workforce, have gone out of its way to create courses specifically designed for women who are looking for ways to embrace leadership roles and forge a path for others to follow them into the future.  Hopefully, with more options like this, we will see many more women in the gov tech field.