Blending Operations
Topic I: Introduction to Blending Operations – State the general purpose of blending operations. – Identify operational requirements and variables that influence blending operations. – Describe the basic concepts of batch blending and inline blending. – Identify common operator responsibilities during blending operations. Topic II: Gasoline Components and Specifications – Identify common grades of gasoline produced by gasoline blending. – Identify typical gasoline blend components provided by process units. – Describe specifications and tests for gasoline volatility vapor/liquid ratio and octane number. Topic III: Gasoline Quality – Describe the effect on product quality of blending gasoline blend components with different RON MON RVP and sensitivity values. – Define the following terms: oxygenate octane pool and blending octane numbers. – Describe how blending bonuses and blending negatives affect the quality of blended gasolines. – Identify some common gasoline additives and describe the relationship between oxygenates and octane number. Topic IV: Gasoline Blending – Define the following terms: octane giveaway protofuel target octane trimming and trim component. – Describe a typical example of inline gasoline blending. Topic V: Distillates Blending – Identify common distillates and finished products produced by blending these distillates. – Describe jet fuel components and specifications. – Describe diesel fuel components and specifications. – Describe furnace oil components and specifications. – Describe a typical example of batch blending distillates to produce diesel fuel. Topic VI: Asphalt Blending and Residual Fuel Blending – Describe the composition and specifications for various types of asphalt. – Describe the composition and specifications for residual fuel. – Describe a typical example of inline blending of cut-back asphalt.