Analytical Procedures
Define the following terms: analyte qualitative analysis quantitative analysis accuracy precision validation primary standard and secondary standard. Describe the general purpose of an analysis and identify two basic types of analyses. List three major steps for performing a typical analysis. List factors that can compromise sample integrity. Define the following terms: representative sample selective sample and reagent. Identify tasks associated with collecting and receiving samples. Identify tasks associated with preparing and storing samples. Describe factors involved in determining whether an analytical procedure is appropriate for a given analysis. Define the following terms: specific procedure selective procedure and limit of detection. Describe general tasks that are typically part of the preparation performance and completion of an analytical procedure. Define the following terms: primary data raw data secondary data confidence limits confidence interval and confidence level. Identify ways that data can be collected during an analysis. Describe calculations that may be required to convert raw data into final reportable data. Explain how statistics can be used to interpret information that is collected during an analysis. Describe considerations associated with managing information collected during an analysis.