Exploring SecOps Tools: Using the Aircrack-ng Suite of Tools
Aircrack-ng is a complete suite of tools commonly used to assess Wi-Fi network security and perform network security hardening. These tools focus primarily on monitoring attacking testing and password cracking. All Aircrack-ng individual utilities are command-line based and allow for maximum scripting utilities. In this course you will explore the Aircrack-ng suite of tools and discover the individual utilities found within. Compare Aircrack-ng to alternatives including Trackerjacker Eaphammer Wifiphisher Wireshark Airgeddon and Acrylic Wi-Fi and recognize considerations for installing drivers with Aircrack-ng. Discover how to download and install Aircrack-ng and explore how to navigate and execute common commands. Finally discover how to use Aircrack-ng to crack WEP and WPA/WPA2 passwords and explore command options such as -a -e -b -p -q -C -I.