Ethical Hacker: Hacking Techniques


Ultimately ethical hacking is about hacking so the ethical hacker must have some hands-on hacking skills. Explore fundamental hacking techniques in this 14-video course: SQL injection cross-site scripting (XSS) malware using viruses DoS attacks steganography using Metasploit and Windows hacking. Key concepts covered here include how to use SQL injection and variations; how to execute basic SQL Injection; and learning how to recognize XSS an attack on the user via the website as opposed to attacks on the website via the user. Next learners examine malware threats and learn how to recognize and describe types of malware; learn to implement an innocuous virus in penetration testing; and learn the types of DoS and associated countermeasures. Continue by learning how steganography works a technique important to ethical hacking because it is a favorite technique to exfiltrate data from malicious insiders; and the basics of Metasploit a penetration-testing software that finds security issues verifies vulnerability mitigations and manages security assessments. Finally learn to execute basic Metasploit commands; and learn to use common Windows hacking techniques.