Cloud Security Fundamentals: Basics of Cloud Operations
Learners can build a foundation for upcoming cloud security topics by exploring cloud definitions roles deployment models characteristics and building block technologies in this 9-video course. In the first tutorial you will learn what cloud computing is its definitions and roles. You will then examine the characteristics of key cloud computing models including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (Paas). Learners next take a look at the building blocks of what makes cloud computing tick which is virtualization technology. Following on from this you will explore compute building block technologies; storage building block technologies and networking building block technologies. You will also need to be aware of the different database building block technologies offered by your cloud provider. In the final tutorial in this course learners will compare common public cloud solution provider (CSP) product offerings. In the concluding exercise you will need to list four advantages of cloud computing four common software as a service solutions and four database building block technologies.