Python Concurrent Programming: Asynchronous Executions in Python
This 9-video course offers a lab-only exploration and introduction to the libraries available in Python to run tasks asynchronously by using both processes and threads. To take this course you should have prior knowledge of how to spawn and manage processes in Python. First you will learn how to significantly improve the performance and responsiveness of your application by running them concurrently then learn how to create a process pool and how to use multiprocessing to execute tasks in parallel. Next you will learn to use multithreading to run chunks of a task at one time and to switch between the chunks regularly. Learners will then examine the concurrent.futures module which contains objects to run threads and processes in an asynchronous manner and to monitor their progress while they are still executing. Continue by learning how to use ThreadPoolExecutor available in the concurrent.futures module. Finally you examine the asyncio module in Python which provides lightweight mechanisms for asynchronous executions of tasks.