Excel with Python: Working with Excel Spreadsheets from Python
This 13-video course explores how Microsoft Excel spreadsheets can be created opened and modified programmatically from within Python. Learners will review the Microsoft Excel object model the attributes of the worksheet cell object which can be leveraged to create and modify workbooks programmatically. First you will review VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) technology before exploring how Python and its ecosystem of libraries are fast emerging as a popular choice for easy spreadsheet automation. Then you will learn how to use openpyxl (open pixel library) to manipulate Excels object model programmatically from within Python. Continue by learning how to write spreadsheets by using openpyxl and examining how existing Excel workbooks can be opened as well as how new spreadsheet files can be created and written out to disk. Finally you will learn how Python iterators and indexing can be used to access and manipulate individual cells ranges consisting of many cells as well as entire rows and columns.