Developing Apps with Tkinter: Getting Started


Desktop apps have been replaced by web applications in many cases but remain widely used in many areas such as financial applications. Building desktop apps in Python is an important skill for many quantitative developers and financial data modelers. Python has many great libraries to create desktop applications including Tkinter PyQt and wxWidgets. You will focus on the Tkinter library which is a wrapper over the Tk library. Start this course by understanding some benefits and limitations of desktop applications. Explore some commonly-used libraries for GUI programming in Python including PyQt wxWidgets and PySimpleGUI and contrast their strengths and weaknesses. After that you will explore the Tkinter library. As you shall learn this is a wrapper over the Tk library which in turn is a wrapper of sorts over the tcl programming language. Tcl is a high-level programming language used to create Desktop GUIs. Explore the app you aim to build with Tkinter demonstrating the use of database connectivity interactive plotting widgets as well as a complex GUI with many different widgets. Finally install Tkinter and get up-and-running with deploying apps. To round out this course you will create a simple app with a clock text label which automatically updates every second. After completing this course youll be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of various Python UI libraries including Tkinter PyQT and wxWidgets and be ready to configure interactive widgets such as buttons and text entries.