Python Classes & Inheritance: Introduction
In this 7-video course learners will explore the concept of logical units such as classes and how they are used to hold state and behavior. Examine the modeling of is-a relationships by using inheritance and the advantages of object-oriented programming. You will begin with an introduction to classes which are an integral part of Python programming. In this first tutorial learn how state and behavior can be encapsulated in a single unit. This leads learners to examine how classes can be used as blueprints to create objects and then to compare objects and instances to classes. Following on from this you will take a look at inheritance and model is-a relationship using inheritance. In the final tutorial in this course you will explore the advantages of using object-oriented programming. In the concluding exercise you will be asked to describe classes define how state and behavior of a class are represented list characteristics of class objects or instances describe class inheritance and list advantages of object-oriented programing with classes.