Flask in Python: Building a Simple Web Site Using Flask
You will begin this 12-video course by learning how to install Flask—a widely used web framework written in Python language—in a virtual environment on your development machine and then write the code for a simple "Hello World" website by using Flask. You will explore how route definitions can be altered and the benefits of running your Flask app in debug mode. Next define a route that renders an HTML page when a URL is accessed; download and use some boilerplate HTML files so your website definition need not begin from scratch and modify the boilerplate cascading style sheet (CSS) and HTML definitions to customize the look of a website. Learn how to generate URLs dynamically by using the url_for function; create a base Jinja template that can be inherited by other templates along with placeholders that can be overridden; and explore how to inherit the elements from a base Jinja template in a child template HTML file. Finally learn how to define multiple routes to point to the same route function.