MD-101 – Managing Modern Desktops: Intune Device Enrollment


Intune is a cloud-based service used to improve productivity while protecting corporate data. In this 12-video course, learners will discover how to enroll Windows 10 devices into Intune for simplified management, in preparation for Microsoft MD-101: Managing Modern Desktops exam. You will begin by learning how to create users in Intune and assign them licenses. Then create an Intune group. Discover how to setup automatic enrollment for Windows 10 devices and then enroll Windows 10 devices. Next, examine enrollment options and learn how to perform a Windows device bulk enrollment. You will discover how to set up an enrollment status page, and also take a look at considerations to bear in mind when enrolling non-Windows devices. Then learn how to access and assess the overall device inventory in Intune, and, in the concluding tutorial, delve into reporting features available in the Intune Data Warehouse. The closing exercise involves managing Intune device enrollment by using users and groups, automatic enrollment, and device inventories.