Linear Regression Models: Introduction to Logistic Regression


Logistic regression is a technique used to estimate the probability of an outcome for machine learning solutions. In this 10-video course learners discover the concepts and explore how logistic regression is used to predict categorical outcomes. Key concepts covered here include the qualities of a logistic regression S-curve and the kind of data it can model; learning how a logistic regression can be used to perform classification tasks; and how to compare logistic regression with linear regression. Next you will learn how neural networks can be used to perform a logistic regression; how to prepare a data set to build train and evaluate a logistic regression model in Scikit Learn; and how to use a logistic regression model to perform a classification task and evaluate the performance of the model. Learners observe how to prepare a data set to build train and evaluate a Keras sequential model and how to build train and validate Keras models by defining various components including activation functions optimizers and the loss function.