Model Management: Building & Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production
In this 14-video course learners can explore hyperparameter tuning versioning machine learning (ML) models and preparing and deploying ML models in production. Begin the course by describing hyperparameter and the different types of hyperparameter tuning methods and also learn about grid search hyperparameter tuning. Next learn to recognize the essential aspects of a reproducible study; list ML metrics that can be used to evaluate ML algorithms; learn about the relevance of versioning ML models and implement Git and DVC machine learning model versioning. Describe ModelDB architecture used for managing ML models and list the essential features of the model management framework. Observe how to set up to manage ML models and create ML models in production and examine Flask machine learning model setup for production. Explore how to deploy machine or deep learning models in production. The exercise involves tuning hyperparameter with grid search versioning ML models by using Git and creating ML models for production.