Implementing Deep Learning: Practical Deep Learning Using Frameworks & Tools
Explore the concept of deep learning including a comparison between machine learning and deep learning (ML/DL) in this 12-video course. Learners will examine the various phases of ML/DL workflows involved in building deep learning networks; recall the essential components of building and applying deep learning networks; and take a look at the prominent frameworks that can be used to simplify building ML/DL applications. You will then observe how to use the Caffe2 framework for implementing recurrent convolutional neural networks; write PyTorch code to generate images using autoencoders; and implement deep neural networks by using Python and Keras. Next compare the prominent platforms and frameworks that can be used to simplify deep learning implementations; identify and select the best fit frameworks for prominent ML/DL use cases; and learn how to recognize challenges and strategies associated with debugging deep learning networks and algorithms. The closing exercise involves identifying the steps of ML workflow deep learning frameworks and strategies for debugging deep learning networks.