Building Neural Networks: Artificial Neural Networks Using Frameworks
This 13-video course helps learners discover how to implement various neural networks scenarios by using Python Keras and TensorFlow for machine learning. Learn how to optimize tune and speed up the processes of artificial neural networks (ANN) and how to implement predictions with ANN is also covered. You will begin with a look at prominent building blocks involved in building a neural network then recalling the concept and characteristics of evolutionary algorithms gradient descent and genetic algorithms. Learn how to build neural networks with Python and Keras for classification with Tensorflow as the backend. Discover how to build neural networks by using PyTorch; implement object image classification using neural network algorithms; and define and illustrate the use of learning rates to optimize deep learning. Examine various parameters and approaches of optimizing neural network speed; learn how to select hyperparameters and tune for dense networks by using Hyperas; and build linear models with estimators by using the capabilities of TensorFlow. Explore predicting with neural networks temporal prediction optimization and heterogenous prediction optimization. The concluding exercise involves building neural networks.