Python – Advanced Operations with NumPy Arrays


NumPy is oneof the fundamental packages for scientific computing that allows data to be represented in dimensional arrays. This course covers the array operations you can undertake such as image manipulation fancy indexing and broadcasting. To take this Skillsoft Aspire course you should be comfortable with how to create index and slice Numpy arrays and apply aggregate and universal functions. Among the topics you will learn about the several options available in NumPy to split arrays. You will learn how to use NumPy to work with digital images which are multidimensional arrays. Next you will observe how to manipulate a color image perform slicing operations to view sections of the image and use a SciPy package for image manipulation. You will learn how to use masks an array of index values to access multiple elements of an array simultaneously referred to as Sansi indexing. Finally this course covers broadcasting to perform operations between mismatched arrays.