Harnessing Data Volume & Velocity: Turning Big Data into Smart Data
In this course you will explore the concept of smart data and its associated lifecycle and benefits and the frameworks and algorithms that can help transition big data to smart data. Begin by comparing big data and smart data from the perspective of volume variety velocity and veracity. Look at smart data capabilities for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Examine how to turn big data into smart data and how to use data volumes; list applications of smart data and smart process and recall use cases for smart data application. Then explore the lifecycle of smart data and the associated impacts and benefits. Learn steps involved in transforming big data into smart data by using k-NN (K Nearest Neighbor algorithm) and look at various smart data solution implementation frameworks. Recall how to turn smart data into business by using data sharing and algorithms and how to implement clustering on smart data. Finally learn about integrating smart data and its impact on optimization of data strategy. The exercise concerns transforming big data into smart data.