Working with Files in Hadoop HDFS
In this Skillsoft Aspire course learners will encounter basic Hadoop file system operations such as viewing the contents of directories and creating new ones. This 8-video course assumes good understanding of what Hadoop is and how HDFS enables processing of big data in parallel by distributing large data sets across a cluster; learners should also be familiar with running commands from the Linux shell with some fluency in basic Linux file system commands. Begin by working with files in various ways including transferring files between a local file system and HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and explore ways to create and delete files on HDFS. Then examine different ways to modify files on HDFS. After exploring the distributed computing concept prepare to begin working with HDFS in a production setting. In the closing exercise write a command to create a directory/data/products/files on HDFS for which data/products may not exist; list two commands for two copy operations—one from local file system to HDFS and another for reverse transfer from HDFS to local host.