Data Architecture Deep Dive – Microservices & Serverless Computing


Explore numerous types of data architecture that are effective data wrangling tools when working with big data in this 9-video Skillsoft Aspire course. Learn the strategies design and constraints involved in implementing data architecture. You will learn the concepts of data partitioning CAP theorem (consistency availability and partition tolerance) and process implementation using serverless and Lambda data architecture. This course examines Saga newly introduced in data management pattern catalog of microservices; API (application programming interface) composition; CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation); event sourcing; and application event. This course explores the differences in traditional data architecture and serverless architecture which allows you to use client-side logic and third-party services. You will learn how to use AWS (Amazon Web Services) Lambda to implement a serverless architecture. This course then explores batch processing architecture which processes data files by using long running batch jobs to filter actual content real-time architecture and machine learning at scale architecture built to serve machine learning algorithms. Finally you will explore how to build a successful data POC (proof of concept).