Cloud Run and Compute Services: Establishing a Compute & Run Environment
An aspiring operations DevOps engineer needs to understand where their deployments run and how "run" platforms differ from server-executed platforms. In this course youll recall the deployment models and software components used to manage server-based applications and middleware. Youll list the compute/run services used to provide runtime environments and manage applications. Youll explore the popular cloud provider services to set up compute environments and outline a workflow to select the appropriate compute/run service. Youll also recognize the benefits of using a hybrid cloud to manage compute/run environments for application deployment. Next youll distinguish compute and run platforms that are configured in on-premises cloud and hybrid environments the compute/run services provided by AWS Azure and GCP and the benefits of using edge cloud architecture to manage compute/run environments and workloads. Finally youll set up a compute/run environment using Amazon Lightsail and use the gcloud compute command-line to set up and manage Compute Engine.