Ansible: Continuous Delivery and Monitoring Using Ansible Playbook and Tower


Learners can explore Ansible Tower features to help simplify configuration management in this 12-video DevOps course. Discover how to install Ansible Tower on Linux and launch it in the cloud implement continuous delivery using Ansible Playbooks and Ansible Tower and work with the Ansible Tower Dashboard. Key concepts in this course include how to demonstrate a case study working with Ansible Playbook to implement server configuration deployment and application launch; how to implement continuous delivery by using Ansible Playbook to deliver Role and Ansible Playbook; Ansible Tower features to help simplify Ansible configuration management; and how to install Ansible Tower on Linux. Then launch Ansible Tower in the cloud; set up and work with the various components of Ansible Tower dashboard; and create projects and manage jobs by using Ansible Tower. Next observe the logging mechanism adopted by Ansible Tower; enable Logging Aggregator Services to configure the logging service in Ansible Tower; and install Ansible Tower on Linux. Finally create a project with Ansible Tower software and learn how to create AWS EC2 instances with Ansible.