Security Programming: Scripting Essentials


This 14-video course explores the basic elements of Bash and Python scripting by examining differences between the elements of a scripting language and a full-fledged computer program. In this course learners examine how to use and set variables to use conditional statements in both Bash scripts and a Bash shell and to use important built-in variables in Bash. You will learn how to use the for while and until loops in a bash script and create custom functions in Bash scripts. Next learners will examine Python scripting language. This course then demonstrates how to work with variables and conditional statements in Python scripts. You will watch demonstrations of how to use the for and while loops statements in a Python script and how to create custom functions in a Python script. You will learn how to import external modules and how to read and write in a Python script. Finally you will learn how to perform file operations and make URL requests in Python scripts.