C++ Inheritance & Polymorphism: Constructors Destructors & Inheritance


The order in which constructors and destructors are invoked on an object of a derived class in an inheritance hierarchy is a very important topic. Constructors are invoked in order from the top-most (most base-level) class down to the most derived class. Destructors are invoked in the reverse order. Explore how constructors work in an inheritance hierarchy the order in which the base and derived class constructors are invoked and how initialization lists need to be used in the derived class. Discover how to use copy constructors and destructors in the context of inheritance. Learn how to set up an inheritance hierarchy for polymorphism. Finally practice using objects in an inheritance hierarchy with variables of pointer and reference types. When you finish this course you will have a solid foundation in constructors destructors and inheritance setting the stage for runtime polymorphism and dynamic method dispatch.