Fundamentals of C++: Using the auto Keyword Enums and I/O Streams


C++ supports many different programming paradigms including object-oriented programming functional programming and template programming. As a result the C++ type system is quite complex and it can get quite complicated to figure out the correct type for a variable Learn how to use the auto keyword to request that the compiler infer the type of a variable from its context. Discover how to use the typeid() function to get a type info object for every variable and to verify that the auto keyword has worked as intended. Next explore enums and identify the differences between C-style and C++-style enums. Learn about input and output streams in particular the cin and cout streams used in C++. Finally discover how to use I/O manipulators to control the appearance of objects on these streams. After comleting this coures youll be able to utilize the auto keyword to infer the type of a variable and deploy IO manipulators to correctly format data on input and output streams.