Advanced Topics in C: Using Strings Header Files & Type Conversions
Strings are the most fundamental way of representing text in any programming language. In C they take the form of character arrays delimited with a special character. Because of the equivalence between arrays and pointers in C strings can also be represented using character pointers. Start this course by creating strings as arrays of characters observing that the end of a string is delimited using the character. Discover how strings are stored in character pointers and iterate over strings with pointer arithmetic and use the strlen() strcpy() strcmp() and strcasecmp() functions. Next learn how to create header files and use the #include preprocessor directive to pull in both system and user-created header files. Explore type conversions and learn about implicit conversions. Finally explore command line arguments including the use of argc and argv and how these can be used in your C programs. Upon completion youll be able to to work with C strings using character arrays library functions and header files perform type conversions and use command line arguments in C programs.