Advanced Topics in C: Managing Code Compilations Using Preprocessor Directives


One of the key attractions of C is the low-level control it gives us over its compilation process. Indeed the C language allows us to control the compilation of a program to a level unmatched by other languages such as Java. You will start this course by learning the compilation process of C which includes four main steps: preprocessing compiling assembling and linking. Once you grasp the output of each step in the compilation process move on to investigating preprocessor directives. Next use conditional preprocessor directives including #if #elseif and #endif. Finally discover how to issue instructions to the compiler using pragmas upgrade a warning to a regular error and convert a warning to an extremely severe fatal error. After completing this course youll be able to list the steps for compiling a C program including creating macros with preprocessor directives control conditional compilation and use pragmas to alter compiler settings.