AZ-104 – Microsoft Azure Administrator: Manage Azure AD Subscriptions and Costs
In this 19-video course, you will learn how to manage Azure subscriptions and resource groups; learn about management groups and how to create them; and explore how to analyze costs, configure budgets, and view billing information. Key concepts covered in this course include how subscriptions affect the Azure environment, including subscription types and support; using the portal, the CLI, and PowerShell to manage Azure subscriptions; and recognizing how management groups are used to manage multiple subscriptions. You will learn how to use the portal to work with a management group; use the portal to analyze Azure costs; configure a budget scope; and view Azure billing information. Next, learn to create, manage, and delete resource groups using the portal, the CLI, and PowerShell; to move an Azure resource to a different resource group; and to view resource deployments to a resource group. View costs associated with a specific resource group scope; create a resource group budget; and create a custom ARM template in the portal. This one of a series of courses to help learners prepare for the AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator certification exam.