Smart Contracts & Hyperledger Fabric: Web Apps for Hyperledger Composer Networks


Continue your exploration of the world of Hyperledger in this 10-video course covering development of a Hyperledger Composer blockchain application on your own machine. Participants can build their own web apps to interact with that blockchain network by using REST API calls. The course begins by setting up a Composer project on local machines using the Yeoman scaffolding tool. Next you will develop and export a business network definition to record transactions for a supply chain. Then learn how to deploy that network to a Hyperledger Fabric environment and set up a REST server which allows interaction with the network by using REST API calls.<Finally an Angular web app supplied by Hyperledger allows you to interact with the blockchain network via the REST server. After completing this course you will be far more knowledgeable about Hyperledger Composer and Hyperledger Fabric and ready to build a real-life application which can record all important transactions in the secure environment of a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network with the convenience of a web application.<